Idag deltager jeg i ovennævnte blogtour hosted af Laura med bloggen Craftstorming.
Under navnet Titchy Threads har Laura udgivet nogle skønne mønstre - heriblandt Twisted Trousers og Twisted Tank, som denne tour omhandler. Ah, I er med på den lille twist (sorry, ku' ikke lade være).
Jeg har tidligere syet bukser efter Lauras 'Small Fry Skinny Jeans' mønster. Det mønster skal jeg da vist lige ha' hevet frem fra gemmerne igen!
Nu var det tank toppen det her skulle handle om. Jeg har valgt den nemme løsning uden twist, fordi jeg synes det egnede sig bedst til mit stofvalg. Den grå tank har fået sorte kanter og ditto lomme. 9 årige Bertram er ret skinny og hans brystmål placerede ham i en str. 7 år, mens han i længden er en str. 10, som jeg så af en eller anden grund lavede om til en str. 9. Perfekt passende tank, som han allerede knuselsker. Der er sgu da også ret cool, hva? Læderlomme og hele svineriet.
Today I'm participating in the Twisted Tuesday Tour hosted by the sweet and talented Laura of Craftstorming who is designing patterns under the name Titchy Threads. Laura offers two Twisted patterns - the Twisted Trousers and the Twisted Tank. For this tour I have chosen to be on Team Tank.
I present to you Bertram's Twisted Tank (sans twist). One of the cool features on this pattern is of course the twisted design, but because of the busy fabric print I went with the regular tank version which is also included in this pattern.
Bertram is 9 years old but pretty skinny. I made him a size 7 lengthened to a size 9. In fact it should have been a size 10 length - don't know why I ended up with the size 9. Well, the fit is spot on anyways.
I can definetely see many more of these to come. Bertram loves his new cool leather pocket tank. The pattern runs from 3 months to 12 years.
Oh, and please take a look at Laura's 'Small Fry Skinny Jeans' pattern as well. Excellent!!
Thank you so much for inviting me on this tour, Laura. Stay brillant!
Bertram's bermudas are based on pattern 'l' (knee-length shorts) from the Japanese sewing book 'Happy Homemade Sew Chic Kids'. I really like the fit of these. Easy to sew but with finishing tips that just add that little extra to the shorts. There's a roll-up version of the same pattern which I definetely also must try for young Mr. B. For his younger sister I might do a tiered blouse and some shorts from this book as well. And a dress. There's always a dress. Stay tuned. Thanks for letting me try this book, Tuttle Publishing.
tirsdag den 26. maj 2015
søndag den 24. maj 2015
The Sydney Jacket // Tessuti Fabrics
Det var kærlighed ved første blik, da Tessuti Fabrics for et par uger siden præsenterede deres seneste snitmønster - the Sydney Jacket. Jakken er oversize i snittet, har relativt korte raglanærmer, draperet front og lommer. Mønstret er designet til uld(blandinger) eller fx scuba/neopren stof. Stof, der ikke flosser i kanten, når det klippes. Der er en grund hertil - alle kanter er nemlig rå. Selve jakken syes sammen med overlappende sømme, kun sidesømmene er syet på den gode gamle ret-mod-ret metoden. Den er ret hurtigt syet, og får altså et lækkert, unikt look med de sømme, ikke sandt. Den ku' sikkert også være fræk i en kunstskind udgave. Jeg har forlænget mønstret lidt på ærmer og krop. Str. er M.
Den her er syet af lækker uldboucle fra Stofdepotet.
A few weeks back Tessuti Fabrics released their latest pattern - the Sydney Jacket, an oversized jacket with draped front details, raglan sleeves and pockets. And it was love at first sight. The jacket is designed for wool fabrics or neoprene - fabric that does not fray when cut. All raw edges are overlapped - only the side are joined the 'normal' way with right sides facing. It's a fast and easy make. The construction is really great and unique. I lengthened the pattern a bit, also the sleeves.
For this one I used boucle wool from Stofdepotet . Bet it would look cool in a faux leather version as well.
Den her er syet af lækker uldboucle fra Stofdepotet.
A few weeks back Tessuti Fabrics released their latest pattern - the Sydney Jacket, an oversized jacket with draped front details, raglan sleeves and pockets. And it was love at first sight. The jacket is designed for wool fabrics or neoprene - fabric that does not fray when cut. All raw edges are overlapped - only the side are joined the 'normal' way with right sides facing. It's a fast and easy make. The construction is really great and unique. I lengthened the pattern a bit, also the sleeves.
For this one I used boucle wool from Stofdepotet . Bet it would look cool in a faux leather version as well.
torsdag den 21. maj 2015
STYLO Issue 4: Glass Haus
Som lovet er hermed en opfølgning på gårsdagens indlæg.
Jeg har igen fået lov at bidrage til det afsindigt lækre online inspirationsmagasin for sy-selv-folket 'STYLO Magazine'
4. udgave af magasinet udkom i forgårs og under overskriften 'Glass Haus' breder Wilma sig i sit af moren hjemmesyede på siderne fra 284-293.
Jep. Vi snakker i alt 314 sider øjenguf for alle pengene her. Der er knald på farver og mønstre i denne sommer udgave af STYLO.
Jeg har plukket lidt i mine favorit fotos fra shootet og præsenterer hermed første outfit. Min personlige favorit - jakken og kjolen.
Kjolen er syet efter Louisa mønstret designet af Compagnie M. En sikker vinder. Jeg har syet efter mønstret adskillige gange og ved derfor, at snittet passer perfekt til lange, slanke Wilma, når jeg tager en str. 7 og forlænger til en str. 9. Eller var det 10?! Jeg har lavet en smule om på designet. Kjolen har fået 3/4 ærmer og en lidt anden lomme end det oprindelige mønster. Småting. Stoffet til kjolen er venligst sponseret af Michael Levine, som lige nu tilbyder en 10% rabat på alt i webshoppen ved indtastning af koden 'STYLO4'.
Jakken. Åh, den jakke. Jamen, er den ikke fin?! Hvem der bare kunne klemme sig i en str. 9 år. Mønstret er fundet i Burda 09/14. Har man ikke bladet eller mulighed for at låne det på det lokale bibliotek (hvilket jeg stort set altid gør), så kan man downloade mønstret herfra og printe, klippe og klistre det derhjemme. Som nævnt har jeg syet str. 9 til Wilma, som er den største størrelse på dette mønster. Hun ku' godt ha' brugt en 10'er.
Stoffet er fundet hos min store kærlighed min yndlings stofdame - Rikke/Stofdepotet. Rikke har desværre ikke mere af den her lyse udgave af det quiltede, men det fåes stadig i en smuk blå udgave.
Jakken ligner en million og er syet på en time, når man bruger sådan et stykke færdigquiltet stof. Sjøst.
Today I'm going to present my favorite outfit from my STYLO spread 'Glass Haus' - the dress and jacket.
To create the dress I used the tried-and-true 'Louisa' pattern designed by the talented Marte/Compagnie M. (By the way, did you know that Marte just released a new pattern for women - The Nina skirt & culottes pattern?) I've used this dress pattern several times. Love it. Wilma is tall and slender, so to get the fit I was after I made a size 7 lengthened to a size 9 - or was it 10?! The fabric for the dress was kindly sponsored by Michael Levine. To celebrate the release of STYLO issue 4 Michael Levine offers a 10% discount on your entire purchase if you use the discount code 'STYLO4' - just sayin'!
The jacket, oh, the jacket. Where to begin. Okay, I make it sound as if it's rocket science. By all means call me a rocket scientist if you want - but Trine will do. Or Your Grace. Just kidding. Or am I?!
Well, back to the jacket. The very simple jacket. The jacket that looks like a million but can be made in an hour or so. Isn't that the best kind of make?! The secret is a well drafted pattern and some gorgeous pre-quilted fabric. This first one was found in Burda 09/14 - the latter in my favorite (online) fabric shop Stofdepotet. Unfortunately the yellow quilted fabric is sold out but Rikke still has the blue version in stock. Go get it! I made the jacket in size 9 - the largest size offered. A size 10 would have been better for sure. To give the jacket a neat finish I closed almost all seams with bias tape. Simple and pretty.
I have a couple of metres of the yellow floral left in my stash. I'm thinking a summery me jacket.
Thank you so so so much, Jess and Celina for letting me be a part of this little brainchild of yours. You ladies are truly amazing!!
Thank you sweet Philip Bo, for the amazing photos.
I present to you 'Glass Haus' take one.
onsdag den 20. maj 2015
Stylo Issue 4
Edition 4 of STYLO Magazine is online and I'm so proud to be a contributor to the magazine once again.
In a couple of days I'll be back with more deets and photos of my makes for this brillant issue.
In the meantime hop on over to the magazine and enjoy. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Just sayin'.
In a couple of days I'll be back with more deets and photos of my makes for this brillant issue.
In the meantime hop on over to the magazine and enjoy. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Just sayin'.
torsdag den 14. maj 2015
Til salg
Jeg har smidt lidt til salg på min Instagram shop profil - primært i voksen størrelse. Billederne slettes på profilen i takt med salg.
onsdag den 6. maj 2015
My Simpl-inari dress
Combine a couple of your favorite dress patterns and you have yourself a fine new FrankenDress.
For this one I've used my latest crush - the Inari Tee Dress pattern - and my all time favorite top pattern - the Simplicity 1366.
I'm pretty pleased with the cocoon silhouette paired with the dropped shoulders.
The fabric is a crepe georgette from Stof & Stil.
I'm thinking about turning this beautiful piece of silk from my stash into such a Simpl-inari dress. Perfect for summer.
And I have another piece of fabric perfect for the Inari. A blue floral structured jersey from The Sweet Mercerie.
I guess we can conclude that more Inaris are to come.
For this one I've used my latest crush - the Inari Tee Dress pattern - and my all time favorite top pattern - the Simplicity 1366.
I'm pretty pleased with the cocoon silhouette paired with the dropped shoulders.
The fabric is a crepe georgette from Stof & Stil.
I'm thinking about turning this beautiful piece of silk from my stash into such a Simpl-inari dress. Perfect for summer.
And I have another piece of fabric perfect for the Inari. A blue floral structured jersey from The Sweet Mercerie.
I guess we can conclude that more Inaris are to come.
Plain and ordinary me |
My Marilyn Moment |
Me trying (too hard) to look sweet and charming - and yes, you can see my not so sexy shorts at the top of the split |
Me and my blurry feet |
lørdag den 2. maj 2015
Apple Blossom Kimono
I made myself a new kimono cardi.
The moment I laid eyes on this beautiful apple blossom satin from I knew I had to turn it into a long, elegant kimono. Unfortunately the fabric is sold out.
A kimono is a pretty simple make, and you don't necessarily need a pattern to make one, but I wanted a particular silhouette for this one - and Stof2000 released just the pattern I needed recently, so that's what I used this time.
I lengthened the pattern a bit and omitted the splits at the side seams but apart from that no alterations were made. To give the kimono a neater finish I hemmed the bottom and attached the front bands differently from what was suggested in the instructions - so no seams would be visisble at the front.
I love the way this kimono turned out.
The moment I laid eyes on this beautiful apple blossom satin from I knew I had to turn it into a long, elegant kimono. Unfortunately the fabric is sold out.
A kimono is a pretty simple make, and you don't necessarily need a pattern to make one, but I wanted a particular silhouette for this one - and Stof2000 released just the pattern I needed recently, so that's what I used this time.
I lengthened the pattern a bit and omitted the splits at the side seams but apart from that no alterations were made. To give the kimono a neater finish I hemmed the bottom and attached the front bands differently from what was suggested in the instructions - so no seams would be visisble at the front.
I love the way this kimono turned out.