En bunke bloggere har valgt at dedikere denne dag til den søde og ekstremt talentfulde blogger/designer Celina Bailey. Celina er ophavskvinde til så mange savlfremprovokende outfits - hun er Dronningen af Øjenguf! Så da Laura foreslog, at 'vi' (en flok bloggere, der leger sammen på www), skulle lave en 'Hvad ville Celina Gøre?' serie, var vi ikke sene til at råbe hell yeah!
Today is International Celina Day!
Today a bunch of bloggers celebrate the sweet and talented Celina Bailey with this 'What would Celina do?' series. We've all created a little something inspired by Celina.
Celina is THE maker of jaw dropping handmade clothing. She's a freakin' creative genius!! She's one of the ladies behind Stylo Magazine - and she's just co-hosted the 'Shades of Me' series in which I also participated.
Celina - you inspire soooooo many people. I am in awe. This one goes out to you, girlfriend!
For Bertram's clothes I was inspired by one of the outfits Celina made for the 'Sewing for Kindergarten' series (hosted by another extremely talented lady, Mie - my fellow Dane).
Bertram's outfit:
A cardi/jacket thing made with sweatshirt fabric (this is the first time I've made blazer-ish thing). And yes - no buttons - he would never use them anyway ....and my machine and I can't agree on doing button holes.
A pair of striped sweatpants (if I'm not mistaken Celina is a big fan of stripes) and a sweatshirt made with quilted jersey fabric.
All the fabric was found at Stofdepotet.dk
The tee is from Zara.com (previous season)
Thank you so much, Laura, for coming up with the fantastic idea for this series! Celina deserves it.
Inspired by you, Celina:

i wanna steal his entire outfit and weear it myself! such a handsome and stylish boy he is! and what a sewing magician are you!
SvarSletHold fast det er sejt - Gad vide om jeg ville kunne lokke min 13-årige i det?
SvarSletNu har jeg 'pinned' quiltede sweatshirts i dagevis men selvfoelgelig har DU allerede lavet en (jeg har foerst lige opdaget dem)....du er FANTASTISK, toejet er SINDSSYGT FANTASTISK...og det her er en skoen skoen 'International Celina Dag' hahaha, hvor faar du det fra?! :-)))
SvarSletthank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am in total shock and not quite sure how to express myself at the moment, but I am so happy to be able to call you my friend and so honored that you have taken part in this series. Your son and that outfit is just perfect- but you know I love everything you do. Thank you xxx
SvarSletThat is one sylin' boy! I'm so impressed!
SvarSletJeg er VILD med hele outfittet - hvor er det bare fedt!! Du er simpelthen så dygtig - wauw!
SvarSletwow, amazing job! i love all of it!
SvarSletI love this outfit, from pants, to t-shirt the most awesome blazer. LOVE. And seriously, can he be more good looking. :) Girls will adore him
SvarSletThis outfit is so cool there is no word for it.
SvarSletI love this outfit, so so stylish. Love all the details and the fabrics you chose. It is gorgeous. And your son is one handsome boy! x
SvarSletWow, this is such acool outfit, I love it! And a double wow for the blazer, it's perfect!
SvarSletArhmen for hulan, hvor er den dreng lækker! Tøjet er nu også ret så flot ;)
SvarSletTrine! I love this whole outfit sooooo much! I think your children might be the best dressed in Denmark. All the elements you've combined here are so cool. I'm so glad you were able to join in today!
SvarSletTrine, Bertram looks so good in this outfit! I really love that quilted fabric... I'll have to try to find some! And those elbow patches always get me... Great job!
Amazing outfit! Such great details! I love the shoulders on the top.
SvarSletOh this entire outfit is amazing!! Those pants in particular are fantastic!!! My son would love these!!
SvarSletLove this outfit..so so cool. Fab inspiration for boys clothes..thanks
SvarSletSo amazing! I love it. Effortlessly cool.
SvarSletAwesome outfit! Your boy looks so handsome.
SvarSletI LOVE LOVE IT; It is so absolutely the outfit I would love to see my son with;
SvarSletAMAZING! I need this outfit
SvarSletI can't get over how cool and stylish your kids are! Love this! Love everything you do!
I love the whole outfit, that blazer is just perfect!
SvarSletPisse stolt lillesøster og moster til den lækkerbisken!!! Damn your good woman... Fætter Arturs mor glæder sig allerede til at arve sættet til Aturen :)
SvarSletKnit blazer? Yes! Great idea. I've been wanting to make a blazer for my son but suspected that anything too stiff and formal would not get worn. Beautiful striped fabric too. You really have an eye for the good stuff:)
SvarSletDet er da det fedeste "stor" drenge tøj jeg har set længe - og er sikker på at min søn på 11 ville elske det. Han vil nemlig helst have sweat bukser på - hans jeans ligger altid nederst i skuffen og bliver kun brugt i nødstilfælde .... Jeg ville købe et sæt - kombinationerne er vildt fede!!!!
SvarSletMen hans Mor kan på ingen måde sy :O( :O(
SvarSletSign your kids up for modeling ASAP, haha! Seriously, he is so handsome!
SvarSletThis must be the coolest outfit I've ever seen for a boy... Amazing, a big WOW!!!