Let's start with the Cocoon Dress hack.
I raised the neckline added a turtleneck and lengthened the sleeves on this hack for Wilma. I also lengthened the front piece and the shape is a little less cocoony on this one compared to the original pattern.
If you make this type of neckline adjustment make sure that your fabric has (enough) stretch - or else it's going to involve a little violence to pull over the head....says the women who didn't check the stretchability prior to sewing. No child was harmed during the process. Okay, a nose might have been slightly bruised. Well, you live and learn.
The beautiful black not so stretchy jersey with silver shine is from Stofdepotet.
The sweet kimono is the recently released Fishtail Kimono designed by Chalk And Notch. I sewed this size 10 up in a very stretchy dotted rayon jersey (ha, perhaps I should have switched fabric for these makes). I had a little trouble getting the front band to fit the cardi. I had to cut a little length off the cardi as the band was to short. I haven't double checked but it might have been me tracing the wrong band size. No matter what the outcome is so so so sweet. I adore the tiny gathers and lowered hemline on the back. I will definetely make Wilma a woven version as well.
Have a nice christmas/jul everyone.
torsdag den 24. december 2015
fredag den 11. december 2015
Lotta Jansdotter 'Everyday Style' blog tour and giveaway (CLOSED)
For me it was love at first sight when Lotta Jansdotter presented her first fabric collection 'The Premier Collection' back in late 2011.
I wasslightly obsessed with Lotta's 'Ruta' fabric from that first collection and made matching mother and daughter dresses (awr, that tiny Wilma).
And yes, I had a giggling fan (teen) girl moment when Abram's Books and Windham Fabrics invited me to participate in this 'Lotta Jansdotter's Everyday Style' blog tour!
In 'Everyday Style' Lotta shows us how to make simple, stylish and functional everyday garments. Tunics, bags, jackets, skirts and trousers are all modeled by 'real people' including Lotta herself in this hardback book.
Lotta creates surface patterns and designs that are printed on numerous of goods; fabric, cushions, paper goods etc, but she's has no experience in designing sewing patterns, so she invited Alexia Abegg on board for that part - and together these two talented ladies have translated Lotta's visions and style into clothing patterns.
I was tempted to give the Wilma Tote Pattern a go. A tote with the same name as my daughter is hard to turn down, but I ended up making the Esme tunic/mini dress as my first project from the book. By the way, the patterns are presented on full-size pattern sheets. Me like.
I lengthened the pattern and lined the dress using this brillant method - no other alterations were made to this size L Esme. I love the fit of the dress. I've made a fair share of a-line shift dresses, but I can truly say that this is one of the best fitting shift dresses I've made. Probably the best. I adore the neckline, the bust darts and the fit across my shoulders. Just perfect!
I definetely need more Esmes in my life.
The fabric is of course also designed by Lotta Jansdotter. It's called Hemendu (in the Midnight Navy colourway) and is from her 'Lucky' collection.
Want to win a copy of Lotta Jansdotter's Everyday Style? Believe me - you do! Well, simply leave a comment below to win not only a copy of the book but also: a fat quarter of Lotta fabric, Lotta temporary tattoos and Lotta washi tape.
Random org will help me pick a winner on Dec 14
Update on Dec 17: The lucky winner is comment no 19 - Gretchen! Congrats, Gretchen - email on the way.
Be sure to stop by these great bloggers to see what pattern and fabric they've chosen for the tour:
Lotta's workshop//Books//Fabrics//Temporary tattoos
Tusind tak fordi jeg måtte lege med, Lotta :-)
I was
And yes, I had a giggling fan (teen) girl moment when Abram's Books and Windham Fabrics invited me to participate in this 'Lotta Jansdotter's Everyday Style' blog tour!
In 'Everyday Style' Lotta shows us how to make simple, stylish and functional everyday garments. Tunics, bags, jackets, skirts and trousers are all modeled by 'real people' including Lotta herself in this hardback book.
Lotta creates surface patterns and designs that are printed on numerous of goods; fabric, cushions, paper goods etc, but she's has no experience in designing sewing patterns, so she invited Alexia Abegg on board for that part - and together these two talented ladies have translated Lotta's visions and style into clothing patterns.
I was tempted to give the Wilma Tote Pattern a go. A tote with the same name as my daughter is hard to turn down, but I ended up making the Esme tunic/mini dress as my first project from the book. By the way, the patterns are presented on full-size pattern sheets. Me like.
I lengthened the pattern and lined the dress using this brillant method - no other alterations were made to this size L Esme. I love the fit of the dress. I've made a fair share of a-line shift dresses, but I can truly say that this is one of the best fitting shift dresses I've made. Probably the best. I adore the neckline, the bust darts and the fit across my shoulders. Just perfect!
I definetely need more Esmes in my life.
The fabric is of course also designed by Lotta Jansdotter. It's called Hemendu (in the Midnight Navy colourway) and is from her 'Lucky' collection.
Want to win a copy of Lotta Jansdotter's Everyday Style? Believe me - you do! Well, simply leave a comment below to win not only a copy of the book but also: a fat quarter of Lotta fabric, Lotta temporary tattoos and Lotta washi tape.
Random org will help me pick a winner on Dec 14
Update on Dec 17: The lucky winner is comment no 19 - Gretchen! Congrats, Gretchen - email on the way.
Be sure to stop by these great bloggers to see what pattern and fabric they've chosen for the tour:
Dec 1 – Lotta
Dec 2 – STC Craft
Dec 3 – Windham
Dec 4 – Noodlehead
Dec 7 – Modern Handcraft
Dec 8 – Sew Scatterbrained
Dec 9 – Crimson Tate
Dec 11 – Groovy Baby & Mama
Dec 14 – City Stitching with Christine Haynes
Dec 15 – Craft Sanity
Dec 16 – Aesthetic Nest
Dec 17 – Sew Mama Sew
Dec 18 – Lish Dorset
Dec 19 – Fancy Tiger Crafts
Dec 21 – Generation Q
Dec 22 – Carolyn Friedlander
Dec 23 – Crafty Planner
Lotta's workshop//Books//Fabrics//Temporary tattoos
Tusind tak fordi jeg måtte lege med, Lotta :-)
søndag den 6. december 2015
The Blues...
Young Miss Wilma got herself a new comfy outfit.
The softest pants ever she says. The striped sweatshirt fleece is from The Sweet Mercerie. It's a heavy knit with brushed back - so so soft on the skin. I wasn't sure this heavy knit would be the best choice for these pleated Agatha & Theo pants designed by Filles à Maman - but as you can see the result is quite alright. I do recommend a lighter weight fabric for this pattern though. The fit is great! They have a pretty low rise making them suitable for both boys and girls. In fact the pattern comes with intructions on how to adjust the fit to make them perfect for both girls and boys (lower rise for boys),
The hi-lo sweater is the newly released Mini Briar designed by Megan Nielsen. The Mini Briar is part of Megan's brand new and first collection of children's wear patterns which also includes the Mini Tania Culottes and the Mini Virginia Leggins. As indicated by the names the children's wear patterns are 'Mini Me's of Megan's very popular women's wear patterns.
The Mini Briar pattern includes options for different lengths, neckline finishes, sleeve length, elbow patch, patch pocket and some applique templates.
This sweater is made with loop back terry from Stofdepotet - sold out I'm afraid. Wilma who is 8½ and 142 cm tall has narrow shoulders and upper body, so I chose to make her a size 8/9 in width and lengthened the cropped sweater to a size 10/12. Perfect fit!
Wilma prefers to wear her pants low on her hip, and therefore I found the sweater to be too cropped for these Danish winter months, so I added a band to the bottom of the sweater = no tummy flashing.
The softest pants ever she says. The striped sweatshirt fleece is from The Sweet Mercerie. It's a heavy knit with brushed back - so so soft on the skin. I wasn't sure this heavy knit would be the best choice for these pleated Agatha & Theo pants designed by Filles à Maman - but as you can see the result is quite alright. I do recommend a lighter weight fabric for this pattern though. The fit is great! They have a pretty low rise making them suitable for both boys and girls. In fact the pattern comes with intructions on how to adjust the fit to make them perfect for both girls and boys (lower rise for boys),
The hi-lo sweater is the newly released Mini Briar designed by Megan Nielsen. The Mini Briar is part of Megan's brand new and first collection of children's wear patterns which also includes the Mini Tania Culottes and the Mini Virginia Leggins. As indicated by the names the children's wear patterns are 'Mini Me's of Megan's very popular women's wear patterns.
The Mini Briar pattern includes options for different lengths, neckline finishes, sleeve length, elbow patch, patch pocket and some applique templates.
This sweater is made with loop back terry from Stofdepotet - sold out I'm afraid. Wilma who is 8½ and 142 cm tall has narrow shoulders and upper body, so I chose to make her a size 8/9 in width and lengthened the cropped sweater to a size 10/12. Perfect fit!
Wilma prefers to wear her pants low on her hip, and therefore I found the sweater to be too cropped for these Danish winter months, so I added a band to the bottom of the sweater = no tummy flashing.
tirsdag den 1. december 2015
The White Pants
As requested by my 17 year old - a pair of white pants.
Luna had been begging me to make her a pair for quite some time now, we just hadn't come across the perfect pattern. She had an idea in her mind; the pants could not be too baggy, but not fitted either.
Recently I bought myself a new pair of black pants - and it was just the kind of pants Luna had in mind. Crepe fabric, not too roomy, not to tight and with a cool front pleat/fold detail.
...and what do you know - Etsy seller EMpdfPatterns has a pattern that fits the bill! All the details are there, the pleats, the elastic at the back waist, the pockets, the tapered legs.
I did alter the pattern a bit. I was concerned about the back rise of the pants so I added a couple of centimetres. Both Luna and I have a pretty long rise - and the alteration worked as hoped. On the pattern photo the pants look cropped. They are not. Luna is 180 cm tall and the pants are full length on her. She doesn't have extremely long legs, but they are absolutely not short either. I did taper the pants some from the knee down though to make them more fitted.
The instructions tell you to add elastic to the back of the pants. That was not necessary for 'us' - so, no elastic just a side zipper in this pair.
The fabric is a heavy poly/rayon crepe from Stofdepotet.
She is so pleased with the result. The fit is really great. I have a feeling that I'll be sewing more of these.
søndag den 29. november 2015
Boundless Style - A Mix-and-Match Sewing Pattern Workbook
First I will do a review of this book in Danish and below a recap in English
Jeg har fået den udsøgte fornøjelse at modtage og anmelde den fine og nyligt lancerede mønster/inspirationsbog 'Boundless Style' forfattet af den super talentfulde (og vildt smukke) 'mønsterkonstruktrice' Kristiann Boos, som også er kvinden bag Victory Patterns.
Som indikeret i undertitlen, indeholder den her lille - eller faktisk ret store - genistreg i bogform, muligheden for at mixe og matche.
Ideen bag bogen udsprang af, at Kristiann som så mange andre har prøvet at stå med en bunke snitmønstre og ønske, at overdelen på en kjole sad på underdelen af en anden - kombineret med ærmerne fra en tredje. Denne mulighed serverer hun nu for os, for i denne bog får man simpelthen mønstre på 5 forskellige overdele, underdele (skørter) og ærmer som kan blandes på kryds og tværs! Det er da genialt koncept, hva'?
Prøv engang at klikke ind på Lookbook'en og leg med de forskellige modeller. Imponerende.
Mønstrene går fra str 2-16, som spænder fra et bryst/hoftemål på 84/89 cm til et bryst/hoftemål på 113/118 cm, så både små nips og os kurvepiger kan være med her!
Alle modellerne bogen er meget fine og feminine. Kristiann er uden tvivl inspireret af moden fra 1930-1950, hvilket skinner igennem både i denne bog og hendes andre designs hos Victory Patterns.
Der er 7 kapitler i bogen.
I første kapitel guides man gennem mønster- og stofvalg, hvordan man printer og samler et pdf mønster, størrelser - og hvordan man kan blande disse, hvordan du forlænger/forkorter et mønster etc.
I kapitel to nævnes hvilke materialer og hjælpemidler, der er brug for - sakse, nåle, linealer osv.
Kapitel tre omhandler en grundig gennemgang af flere teknikker; forskellige metoder til markeringer, håndsyning, maskinsyning, hvordan du syr et indsnit, stabilisering af sømme, isyning af ærmer, lynlåse mm. En virkelig fin gennemgang.
I kapitel fire præsenteres de 5 forskellige overdele og hvordan disse skal syes.
Kapitel fem omhandler på samme måde de 5 forskellige ærmemønstre
Kapitel seks er om underdelene/skørtene.
Endelig har vi kapitel syv, hvor det hele samles!
Bagest i bogen findes en CD med alle mønsterdelene, som kan downloades og printes separat.
Bogen her er virkelig gennemtænkt og gennemarbejdet og et godt opslagsværk. Jeg er bestemt blevet klogere på flere teknikker undervejs og har fået nogle aha oplevelser. Nybegyndere kan sagtens være med her, da man bli'r grundigt guidet gennem hvert enkelt design - både i ord (engelsk) og billeder.
Jeg har leget lidt med pencilskirtet Sophia, som kommer i 2 forskellige længder - cocktail og tea. Jeg har syet tea-længden i str. 10, som passer spot on. Hvis mit stof havde haft bare en anelse stretch, kunne jeg måske godt have klemt mig i en 8'er. Jeg har snydt lidt og undladt linningen, da jeg synes at skørtet sidder helt fint uden. Nederdelen er foret. Og ja, Jeg matcher sikkert en hel del puder verden over - stoffet er nemlig fundet i IKEA's tekstilafdeling.
Nu hvor jeg har testet skørtet, er jeg klar til at lave en kjole. Jeg drømmer om en enkel, sort wigglekjole - måske en Sophia/Georgia/Bardot kombination. Lækre navne på de forskellige designs, ik'? Seriøse diva vibes.
Lige nu - og vi snakker lige nu og her - kan bogen fåes til halv pris (Black Friday lige her.
English recap:
Boundless Style is the new modular sewing pattern/dress making book by the talented Kristiann Boos - the woman behind Victory Patterns.
How many times have you looked at your (huge) collection of patterns and wished that a particular top came with the skirt from another dress pattern - combined with the sleeves from a third?!
Welll - tadaaaaa - Kristiann has answered (some of) your sewing prayers with this book. Step by step she's thoroughly guiding you through the process of making a well fitted dress, top or skirt. You can choose between 5 different bodices, skirts and sleeves designs to make just the right dress for you. Brillant concept, don't you think?
If you're having trouble deciding where to start or which designs to combine then pay a visit to the Lookbook where you can mix and match all the beautiful, feminine designs.
All the pattern pieces can be found on the cd at the back of the book. They are in PDF format, so you will have to do a bit of cutting and taping. Each pattern is presented invidually on the CD, so you can just print the pieces you need to make you unique design.
I've played a little with the pencil skirt Sophia. I made a size 10 and the fit is spot on. And yes, I might match a bunch of pillows around the world as I found my fabric in IKEA's textile section. The skirt comes with a waistband - but I left that one out as I found the skirt to fit well without one.
Now that I've tested the fit of the skirt I'm ready to make myself a black wiggle dress - perhaps a Sophia/Georgia/Bardot combination. I get serious diva vibes here...

Jeg har fået den udsøgte fornøjelse at modtage og anmelde den fine og nyligt lancerede mønster/inspirationsbog 'Boundless Style' forfattet af den super talentfulde (og vildt smukke) 'mønsterkonstruktrice' Kristiann Boos, som også er kvinden bag Victory Patterns.
Som indikeret i undertitlen, indeholder den her lille - eller faktisk ret store - genistreg i bogform, muligheden for at mixe og matche.
Ideen bag bogen udsprang af, at Kristiann som så mange andre har prøvet at stå med en bunke snitmønstre og ønske, at overdelen på en kjole sad på underdelen af en anden - kombineret med ærmerne fra en tredje. Denne mulighed serverer hun nu for os, for i denne bog får man simpelthen mønstre på 5 forskellige overdele, underdele (skørter) og ærmer som kan blandes på kryds og tværs! Det er da genialt koncept, hva'?
Prøv engang at klikke ind på Lookbook'en og leg med de forskellige modeller. Imponerende.
Mønstrene går fra str 2-16, som spænder fra et bryst/hoftemål på 84/89 cm til et bryst/hoftemål på 113/118 cm, så både små nips og os kurvepiger kan være med her!
Alle modellerne bogen er meget fine og feminine. Kristiann er uden tvivl inspireret af moden fra 1930-1950, hvilket skinner igennem både i denne bog og hendes andre designs hos Victory Patterns.
Der er 7 kapitler i bogen.
I første kapitel guides man gennem mønster- og stofvalg, hvordan man printer og samler et pdf mønster, størrelser - og hvordan man kan blande disse, hvordan du forlænger/forkorter et mønster etc.
I kapitel to nævnes hvilke materialer og hjælpemidler, der er brug for - sakse, nåle, linealer osv.
Kapitel tre omhandler en grundig gennemgang af flere teknikker; forskellige metoder til markeringer, håndsyning, maskinsyning, hvordan du syr et indsnit, stabilisering af sømme, isyning af ærmer, lynlåse mm. En virkelig fin gennemgang.
I kapitel fire præsenteres de 5 forskellige overdele og hvordan disse skal syes.
Kapitel fem omhandler på samme måde de 5 forskellige ærmemønstre
Kapitel seks er om underdelene/skørtene.
Endelig har vi kapitel syv, hvor det hele samles!
Bagest i bogen findes en CD med alle mønsterdelene, som kan downloades og printes separat.
Bogen her er virkelig gennemtænkt og gennemarbejdet og et godt opslagsværk. Jeg er bestemt blevet klogere på flere teknikker undervejs og har fået nogle aha oplevelser. Nybegyndere kan sagtens være med her, da man bli'r grundigt guidet gennem hvert enkelt design - både i ord (engelsk) og billeder.
Jeg har leget lidt med pencilskirtet Sophia, som kommer i 2 forskellige længder - cocktail og tea. Jeg har syet tea-længden i str. 10, som passer spot on. Hvis mit stof havde haft bare en anelse stretch, kunne jeg måske godt have klemt mig i en 8'er. Jeg har snydt lidt og undladt linningen, da jeg synes at skørtet sidder helt fint uden. Nederdelen er foret. Og ja, Jeg matcher sikkert en hel del puder verden over - stoffet er nemlig fundet i IKEA's tekstilafdeling.
Nu hvor jeg har testet skørtet, er jeg klar til at lave en kjole. Jeg drømmer om en enkel, sort wigglekjole - måske en Sophia/Georgia/Bardot kombination. Lækre navne på de forskellige designs, ik'? Seriøse diva vibes.
Lige nu - og vi snakker lige nu og her - kan bogen fåes til halv pris (Black Friday lige her.
English recap:
Boundless Style is the new modular sewing pattern/dress making book by the talented Kristiann Boos - the woman behind Victory Patterns.
How many times have you looked at your (huge) collection of patterns and wished that a particular top came with the skirt from another dress pattern - combined with the sleeves from a third?!
Welll - tadaaaaa - Kristiann has answered (some of) your sewing prayers with this book. Step by step she's thoroughly guiding you through the process of making a well fitted dress, top or skirt. You can choose between 5 different bodices, skirts and sleeves designs to make just the right dress for you. Brillant concept, don't you think?
If you're having trouble deciding where to start or which designs to combine then pay a visit to the Lookbook where you can mix and match all the beautiful, feminine designs.
All the pattern pieces can be found on the cd at the back of the book. They are in PDF format, so you will have to do a bit of cutting and taping. Each pattern is presented invidually on the CD, so you can just print the pieces you need to make you unique design.
I've played a little with the pencil skirt Sophia. I made a size 10 and the fit is spot on. And yes, I might match a bunch of pillows around the world as I found my fabric in IKEA's textile section. The skirt comes with a waistband - but I left that one out as I found the skirt to fit well without one.
Now that I've tested the fit of the skirt I'm ready to make myself a black wiggle dress - perhaps a Sophia/Georgia/Bardot combination. I get serious diva vibes here...
fredag den 20. november 2015
Stylish Party Dresses
Tuttle Publishing has kindly asked me to review the Japanese sewing book 'Stylish Party Dresses'
This might just be the favorite Japanese sewing book in my stash so far.
Just look at that sweet tulle dress on the front page. Adorable.
Here's the description from the Tuttle website:
Sew stylish DIY dresses with an elegant flair using this easy-to-follow sewing book.
For parties, weddings, banquets—any occasion that calls for that special dress—this is the book that lets you DIY sew something stylish and elegant, for a lot less than you'd pay for ready-made. These 26 dresses and separates range from short to long, from sweet to sophisticated, and from simple to dramatic to suit your mood, your style and the event. Beautiful photos feature garments sewn in a variety of elegant fabrics to inspire you to choose colors, prints and textures for a dress that is just right for you and for the moment.
Sewing patterns include:
My favorite. The printed tunic - design V. You can see my take on the pattern at the bottom of the post.
Most of the styles in the book are loose fitting/oversized. So everyday me. And even if the styles are designed for more petite persons than me (I'm almost 180 cm tall and a European size 40/42....on a good day), I have no trouble with fit.
Many of the designs are easy to make - and of course you are guided through each and every one of them. You do have to add seam allowances, but it's thorougly described with every design where and how much you need to add.
A great book - also if you are new to this sewing thing.
And here's view V. This is my most worn piece at the time. The poly/rayion fabric is from Stofdepotet
This might just be the favorite Japanese sewing book in my stash so far.
Just look at that sweet tulle dress on the front page. Adorable.
Here's the description from the Tuttle website:
Sew stylish DIY dresses with an elegant flair using this easy-to-follow sewing book.
For parties, weddings, banquets—any occasion that calls for that special dress—this is the book that lets you DIY sew something stylish and elegant, for a lot less than you'd pay for ready-made. These 26 dresses and separates range from short to long, from sweet to sophisticated, and from simple to dramatic to suit your mood, your style and the event. Beautiful photos feature garments sewn in a variety of elegant fabrics to inspire you to choose colors, prints and textures for a dress that is just right for you and for the moment.
Sewing patterns include:
- Gathered-skirt dresses with lacy overlays
- Simple, elegant shifts and empire-waist styles
- An easy, flattering shirtwaist dress
- A pintucked smock style dress
- Shirt and blouse combos that allow you to mix and match
- Dresses sporting a few well-place frills for a look that's both girly and subtle
- Little bolero jackets for when you want a little more coverage
- And more…
Full-size sewing patterns are offered in six sizes, and can be altered to suit most body shapes and personal measurements. The instructions and diagrams are easy to follow. Pick up the book and browse. They're some of the easiest, prettiest DIY sewing projects you'll ever make.
I know it says dresses for any occation that calls for that special dress - but imo most of the styles in the book are something I would were everyday....and I'm not the fancy type!
Let me show you some of my favorites:
The blouse with the deep v-back is just so elegant. It would also look beautiful with a lace top underneath. I'm planning on making a crepe version of this beauty.
My favorite. The printed tunic - design V. You can see my take on the pattern at the bottom of the post.
Most of the styles in the book are loose fitting/oversized. So everyday me. And even if the styles are designed for more petite persons than me (I'm almost 180 cm tall and a European size 40/42....on a good day), I have no trouble with fit.
Many of the designs are easy to make - and of course you are guided through each and every one of them. You do have to add seam allowances, but it's thorougly described with every design where and how much you need to add.
A great book - also if you are new to this sewing thing.
And here's view V. This is my most worn piece at the time. The poly/rayion fabric is from Stofdepotet
onsdag den 11. november 2015
The Sweet Mercerie // Inari Tee Dresses and more
Mama got herself a new (not so) little black dress. A comfy black dress. And how I love comfy. And black. And so does my 17 year old daughter. Sigh - yet another 'share dress'. Mama and Luna got themselves a new (not so) little black dress.
The dress is self drafted. It's got extra long tapered sleeves with dropped shoulders and a bateau/boat neckline. I love me a good bateau. The soft, soft, soft 'pashmina' viscose is yummy. Really. Perfect weight for this type of dress and it doesn't crease very much. Like. I've got more plans for this fabric. Some sort of raglan blouse beeing one of the ideas.
Three of my four Inari Dresses are made with fabric from the Sweet Mercerie. I made the first ones back in April.
A couple of months later I made this blue floral version. I practically lived in that dress all summer. The structured jersey fabric is just so so perfect for this design. I'm actually considering making one in the pink colorway as well. Über gorgeous! And so easy to handle.
Last week I made this version of the Inari. A winter friendly long sleeved dress in brushed French terry fabric. Warm and lovely.
The sleeves are self drafted - and I did some minor changes to the Inari pattern. First I changed the curve of the front arm hole/opening a bit; I reduced the width of the opening and raised the arm hole a bit of course both front and back. On the original pattern I find the arm hole to hit a bit too far out on the front part of my shoulder - therefore I sort of scooped a bit off so it hits a little closer to the bust instead of the shoulder if that makes sense?! Then I compared the pattern pieces to a sweatshirt pattern from my stash and modified the sleeve pattern from that sweatshirt to fit the Inari. Easy peasy.
You can buy the Inari Tee Dress pattern at Indiesew.com
mandag den 2. november 2015
Cocoon Dress mønster til salg//The Cocoon Dress Pattern for sale
Så sker det. Mit første snitmønster er nu klar til salg.
Håber I vil tage godt imod 'The Cocoon Dress'. Hidtil har det kun været muligt at købe mønstret gennem The Sew What Club. Det er nu ikke længere en mulighed - mønstret sælges alene ved henvendelse til undertegnede.
Mønstret findes som pdf fil - altså ikke som trykt mønster. Pdf filen fremsendes efter betaling, hvorefter man selv printer, klipper og klistrer mønsteret sammen. Pt findes syvejledningen kun på på engelsk, men er man i tvivl om noget, skal jeg gladeligt svare - på dansk :-)
Mønstret koster DKK 50,- (7 euros) og kan betales via Paypal eller Mobilepay.
Kjolen er meget, meget nem at sy - absolut begyndervenlig. Mønstret er designet til strækstof.
Mønstret indeholder str. 2-12 år
Håber I vil tage godt imod den.
For bestilling send en mail til trineschroede23@hotmail.com
Today I'm releasing my very first sewing pattern for sale. The Cocoon Dress Pattern. This pattern was made in collaboration with The Sew What Club and was featured in October. Now the pattern is no longer available through the Club but only through me.
The price is 50 Danish Kroners (7 Euros). Paypal payment only.
The pattern can be ordered by sending me an email: trineschroede23@hotmail.com
Here's Wilma showing a color blocked version of the dress. She is 140 cm tall and wearing a slightly lengthened size 9.
It's a very easy dress to sew. Absolutely beginner friendly. Designed for stretch fabric only.
The pattern includes sizes 2-12 years
Hope you'll give The Cocoon Dress a warm welcome.
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