Jeg har igen fået lov at bidrage til det afsindigt lækre online inspirationsmagasin for sy-selv-folket 'STYLO Magazine'
4. udgave af magasinet udkom i forgårs og under overskriften 'Glass Haus' breder Wilma sig i sit af moren hjemmesyede på siderne fra 284-293.
Jep. Vi snakker i alt 314 sider øjenguf for alle pengene her. Der er knald på farver og mønstre i denne sommer udgave af STYLO.
Jeg har plukket lidt i mine favorit fotos fra shootet og præsenterer hermed første outfit. Min personlige favorit - jakken og kjolen.
Kjolen er syet efter Louisa mønstret designet af Compagnie M. En sikker vinder. Jeg har syet efter mønstret adskillige gange og ved derfor, at snittet passer perfekt til lange, slanke Wilma, når jeg tager en str. 7 og forlænger til en str. 9. Eller var det 10?! Jeg har lavet en smule om på designet. Kjolen har fået 3/4 ærmer og en lidt anden lomme end det oprindelige mønster. Småting. Stoffet til kjolen er venligst sponseret af Michael Levine, som lige nu tilbyder en 10% rabat på alt i webshoppen ved indtastning af koden 'STYLO4'.
Jakken. Åh, den jakke. Jamen, er den ikke fin?! Hvem der bare kunne klemme sig i en str. 9 år. Mønstret er fundet i Burda 09/14. Har man ikke bladet eller mulighed for at låne det på det lokale bibliotek (hvilket jeg stort set altid gør), så kan man downloade mønstret herfra og printe, klippe og klistre det derhjemme. Som nævnt har jeg syet str. 9 til Wilma, som er den største størrelse på dette mønster. Hun ku' godt ha' brugt en 10'er.
Stoffet er fundet hos min store kærlighed min yndlings stofdame - Rikke/Stofdepotet. Rikke har desværre ikke mere af den her lyse udgave af det quiltede, men det fåes stadig i en smuk blå udgave.
Jakken ligner en million og er syet på en time, når man bruger sådan et stykke færdigquiltet stof. Sjøst.
Today I'm going to present my favorite outfit from my STYLO spread 'Glass Haus' - the dress and jacket.
To create the dress I used the tried-and-true 'Louisa' pattern designed by the talented Marte/Compagnie M. (By the way, did you know that Marte just released a new pattern for women - The Nina skirt & culottes pattern?) I've used this dress pattern several times. Love it. Wilma is tall and slender, so to get the fit I was after I made a size 7 lengthened to a size 9 - or was it 10?! The fabric for the dress was kindly sponsored by Michael Levine. To celebrate the release of STYLO issue 4 Michael Levine offers a 10% discount on your entire purchase if you use the discount code 'STYLO4' - just sayin'!
The jacket, oh, the jacket. Where to begin. Okay, I make it sound as if it's rocket science. By all means call me a rocket scientist if you want - but Trine will do. Or Your Grace. Just kidding. Or am I?!
Well, back to the jacket. The very simple jacket. The jacket that looks like a million but can be made in an hour or so. Isn't that the best kind of make?! The secret is a well drafted pattern and some gorgeous pre-quilted fabric. This first one was found in Burda 09/14 - the latter in my favorite (online) fabric shop Stofdepotet. Unfortunately the yellow quilted fabric is sold out but Rikke still has the blue version in stock. Go get it! I made the jacket in size 9 - the largest size offered. A size 10 would have been better for sure. To give the jacket a neat finish I closed almost all seams with bias tape. Simple and pretty.
I have a couple of metres of the yellow floral left in my stash. I'm thinking a summery me jacket.
Thank you so so so much, Jess and Celina for letting me be a part of this little brainchild of yours. You ladies are truly amazing!!
Thank you sweet Philip Bo, for the amazing photos.
I present to you 'Glass Haus' take one.
Big, big love for the jacket! ❤️
SvarSletThis is beyond perfection!!! <3 That jacket... Swoon... The photos are beautiful and that girl is absolutely gorgeous. <3 I have no issues in calling you Your Grace from now on hehehe xxx
SvarSletI love that jacket so much! I wish stofdepotet shipped to the USA or I'd snap some of the blue up!
SvarSletBeeeeeeautiful jacket! Love it!
SvarSletOh that jacket! It's beautiful all by itself, and works with the dress beautifully. Love!!
SvarSletThat jacket! <3
SvarSletI'd like that jacket all for myself... and I love your simple yet sophisticated louisa too!
SvarSletLove the jacket!!
SvarSletI adore your style!
SvarSletI always love seeing what you make for you daughter! You have amazing style. Loved all your looks!
SvarSletDet er simpelthen saa ufatteligt fint det her. SMUKT!!!